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John Noble |
Quando gli è stato chiesto come cambieranno le dinamiche poichè Peter non esiste, ha fatto una piccola precisazione.
"Non penso che la verità sia che Peter non esiste" - dice Noble. "Penso che non sia sopravvissuto*. C'è una grande differenza."
*Alla malattia che ha ucciso il figlio biologico di Walter
Inoltre ha detto spiegato che fin'ora non ha ancora condiviso alcuna ripresa con Joshua Jackson anche se "la presenza di Peter si è fatta sentire, ma stiamo costruendo il primo blocco di episodi - i primi quattro per preparare il suo arrivo. Si è già visto ma è interessante il modo in cui gli autori danno forma alle cose."
E aggiunge sorridendo :"Non vedo l'ora che ritorni. Insieme ci divertiamo un sacco. Ma non c'è da aspettare ancora molto"
During an interview with Give Me My Remote at Friday night’s TCA party, John Noble has released some spoilers about the Fringe Season 4.
When asked if the dynamics will be a slight change since Peter no longer exists, he specifies: “I don’t think the truth of it is that Peter doesn’t exist. I think it’s that he didn’t survive* There’s a big difference.”
*The illness that killed Walter's biological son
He also explained that he has not shared any scenes with Jackson but the Peter's "presence has been felt, but we’re building up over the first block of [episodes] — we sort of do things in blocks — the first four really build up to his proper arrival. He’s been seen before that, but it’s quite interesting the way shape things.”
Adding, with a smile, that he can’t wait for him to get back: “We have a lot of fun together. But it’s not long to wait now.”
When asked if the dynamics will be a slight change since Peter no longer exists, he specifies: “I don’t think the truth of it is that Peter doesn’t exist. I think it’s that he didn’t survive* There’s a big difference.”
*The illness that killed Walter's biological son
He also explained that he has not shared any scenes with Jackson but the Peter's "presence has been felt, but we’re building up over the first block of [episodes] — we sort of do things in blocks — the first four really build up to his proper arrival. He’s been seen before that, but it’s quite interesting the way shape things.”
Adding, with a smile, that he can’t wait for him to get back: “We have a lot of fun together. But it’s not long to wait now.”